Samuel Webster
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Ministers labourers together with God, &c. A sermon preached October 2, 1771. At the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Samuel Webster, Jun. to the pastoral care of the church in Temple.
Young children and infants declared by Christ members of his Gospel church or kingdom: and, therefore, to be visibly marked as such, like other members, by baptism: and, Plunging not necessary. 1772
Young children and infants declared by Christ members of his Gospel church or kingdom: and, therefore, to be visibly marked as such, like other members, by baptism: and Plunging not necessary.
Young children and infants declared by Christ members of his Gospel church or kingdom: and, therefore, to be visibly marked as such, like other members, by baptism.
A winter evening's conversation upon the doctrine of original sin, between a minister and three of his neighbours accidentally met together. Wherein the notion of our having sinned in Adam
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